Travel Insurance.

Whether you are headed for a business trip or a trip of a lifetime, our Globetrotter policy will ensure you...

Home Insurance

This is a combined policy for homeowners. It covers the building itself, contents whilst in the house and...

Enhanced Personal Accidents

This is a combined Personal Accident policy. It offers compensation payable to the insured or his/her legal representative...

Golfers Cover

The Serian Smith Golfers will cover you and your equipment against loss, damage, theft, and accidents...


Family Health Cover
(Afya Nafuu)

Serian Smith's Afya Nafuu pays for hospitalisation expenses arising out of an illness or accident for you and your family. Why not see more for yourself here...

Cancer Care

This is a combined policy for homeowners. It covers the building itself, contents whilst in the house and...


Anticipated Savings (Akiba Halisi)

Akiba Halisi has been designed to enable you to build a fund over a period of time and allows you to have access to the fund at specified times to enable you...

Education Plan (Serian Smith Elimu)

We work hard now to ensure the futures of our little ones remain bright. A great education is the best foundation for a good life, ensure that your child gets...

Funeral Expense Cover (Pumzisha)

Death is a traumatic event, however making plans ahead of time helps cushion yourself and your loved ones with lump sum payable within 48 hours provided...