Anticipated Savings (Akiba Halisi)

Akiba halisi has been designed to enable you to build a fund over a period of time and allows you to have access to this fund at specified times to enable you to meet your financial obligations. This plan also offers a life cover.

The policy terms that you can choose are 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 years. Premium will be payable for the policy term selected or until death of the life assured if it occurs within the term.

This policy has been designed to enable one to build a fund over a period of time and allow the policy holder to have access to his fund at specified times to enable him meet his obligations. It also assures a lump sum at a desired age.

The minimum and maximum ages at entry are 18 years and 65 years respectively. The maximum maturity age is 70 years.

Product Specification

a) Premiums

This is determined by:

  1. Life assured’s age.
  2. Frequency of premium payment.
  3. level of cover selected.
  4. Term of the policy.

The premiums can be paid on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually and the modes of payment include Standing Order, Cheque, and Direct Debit Authority, M-Pesa or Salary Check off.

The premium is payable up to the end of the term of the policy or on earlier death.

b) Terms

  1. The policy term ranges from 6, 9, 12,15 and 18 Years.
  2. Premium will be payable for the policy term selected or until death of the life assured if it occurs within the term.