hospitalisation Loss of income (HosiCare)

When facing a medical emergency, the last thing you want to worry about is the financial burden. Serian Smith Life understands that the only thing you should think about is getting better – which is why we came up with Hosicare.

Our Hospital Cash Insurance compensates you for lost income as a result of hospitalisation. The cash benefit is payable for each day spent in continuous admission in hospital as a result of illness or accident for medical treatment.

The benefit is payable if continuous admission exceeds 3 days, and for a maximum of 15 days on any one admission and a maximum of 52 days in a year.

In the unfortunate event of demise, a lump sum payment is made to assist in the funeral expenses.

Why the Hosi cover?

Hospital Cash Policy guards individuals and families against the trauma that they face because of increased financial burden during hospitalisation. In the event of the individual or a family member is hospitalized, this Hospital Cash policy provides cash benefit of KShs. 1,000 for each day (24 hrs.) of hospitalisation (maximum 52 days per year) to meet incidental expenses. The amount can be used for expenses like relative's transport & food, medical bills, etc. that are not covered by regular policies.

Product Specification

a) Premiums

  1. The premiums will be a single premium rate for all ages.
  2. The premiums will be paid annually or monthly.

b) Policy Terms

1. The policy term is for 5 Years.