Money & Fidelity Insurance

Money is exposed to loss through the criminal acts of both non-employees and employees respectively. We at Serian Insurance Agency arrange for protection under Money and Fidelity Guarantee Policies in the following categories;

  • Burglary
  • Fidelity Guarantee
  • Bankers Bonds


Loss of or damage to property by burglary following violent and forcible entry into or exit from the premises insured.

Fidelity Guarantee

Indemnity against pecuniary loss and /or loss of stores and other property as a result of infidelity of employees.

Bankers Bonds

A special combined policy for banks which covers indemnity for infidelity of employees, loss of or damage to property in premises and in transit, forgery or alteration, counterfeited currency, damage to office and contents, loss of Subscription rights and extortion.

Indemnity is also provided for forged transfers of shares.