There are two common threats to women’s lives today – Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer. In most cases, these two are rarely diagnosed in time and when they are, considerable damage/harm may be in the offing.

However, with proper management, one can lead a normal and stress-free life. It is a cash benefit for any policyholder diagnosed with either Breast or Cervical Cancer.

Specifically developed for today’s woman, it does not require any checkups before signup, just a simple application form and one is covered.

Facts about breast/ cervical cancer :

  1. Anybody can get breast/ cervical cancer.
  2. It affects women and men of all ages, race and social classes.
  3. There are no known causes of breast cancer.
  4. >Having one or more of the risk factors associated with breast/ cervical cancer does not necessarily mean one will develop the disease.
  5. Men do get breast cancer.
  6. Mastectomy does not affect a woman’s sexuality.
  7. Breast cancer is curable if detected early.
  8. Surgery for removal of cancerous lumps does NOT lead to fatality.