
Bonds provide a guarantee that projects will be completed as expected – even if the contractor fails. Bonds are an inexpensive way to protect the...

Engineering Cover

Serian Smith Engineering insurance covers a wide range of engineering-related risks. This insurance protects against risks associated with...

Enhanced Personal Accidents

This is a combined Personal Accident policy. It offers compensation payable to the insured or his/her legal representative...

Goods in transit (GIT)

Loss or damage to merchandise and goods incidental to the Insured's business the property of the Insured or held by the Insured in trust or...


Bonds provide a guarantee that projects will be completed as expected – even if the contractor fails. Bonds are an inexpensive way to protect the...

Engineering Cover

Serian Smith Engineering insurance covers a wide range of engineering-related risks. This insurance protects against risks associated with...

Goods in Transit (GIT)

Loss or damage to merchandise and goods incidental to the Insured's business the property of the Insured or held by the Insured in trust or...

Liability Cover

Whether you are headed for a business trip or a trip of a lifetime, our Globetrotter policy will ensure you will have nothing to worry about...


Livestock Cover (Agriculture)

Your livestock is your source of income and guaranteeing their safety should bring you ultimate happiness...

Home Insurance

This is a combined policy for homeowners. It covers the building itself, contents whilst in the house and...


Group Life.

Group Life insurance is a benefit offered by an employer or an aggregator of diverse segments of the population for reasons other ...

Micro Insurance

Serian Smith’s Micro & Inclusive Insurance product offerings are innovative and affordable. We position ourselves as Kenya’s innovative one stop...

Group Last Expense

Cover caters for the immediate burial costs upon death of a Life Assured. Cover is payable within 48 hrs from the time of death and upon receipt....

Corporate Health

Serian Smith Insurance offers flexible tailor made corporate products for groups with ten (10) or more employees. The main benefit is a fully insured...